A jury system is what started in 2009, and it is the system which started by various factors, such as crossing a trial to people widely, and making it permeate them, or harnessing people's commonsense judgment, and pressure from the United States.
Moreover, since the matter to which this lay judge is applied is restricted to serious incidents (that to which a death penalty exists in an applicable punishment), such as a murder case, there are not few people naturally chosen against their will.
The fresh murder spot must be displayed to a murder case in court, or in addition to this, it must see shocking contents, and must make a judgment.
Since it naturally chooses out of ordinary persons at random, there is neither interest nor concern in law, I think whether it is also rare to choose those who are considered for a character not to be read on account of an old life, either, and whether to be "the most not suitable to a trial". [ that a thing like moreover and a trial which feels pain very much does not receive seeing blood moreover physiologically etc. ]
"A normal judgment" cannot be made in the place which made such a person the lay judge by force.
The person that it cannot be engaged in a lay judge on account of work is also in it plentifully.
Since that it is also temporary "employs" using a tax, I also have a feeling that limiting to "those who wants to do" too is one hand.
If it cannot do to there, you should change into the system which can perform "refusing easily."
There are neither few those who cannot do it even if he would like to take up work now, nor people that it cannot carry out "it is difficult" although he would like to be engaged in administration of justice.
I also think whether say carrying out in "a single-engined part-time job form" in fact, and think whether "dispatch of a lay judge" is also bad using an employment agency.
Many lay judges, persons that it cannot work even if he would like to work in the big labor market, and those that say [ "I would like to give a lay judge each time" and ] since it is large should exist in Japan.
Probably, under the system of the present condition, it is a fact that the problem of not only this but many is discovered.
Although the jury system at present is claimed to be "unconstitutionality" based on Article 13 of the constitution, 18 etc. articles, etc. with this affair, it corresponds to the "freedom to choose one's occupation" of the 22nd article.
原 文 訳 文
1.元裁判員、 1.Former lay judge,
2.国 2.Country
3.提訴 3.Legal challenge
4.音声記録 4.Voice record
5.ストレス障害 5.Stress obstacle
6.雇用情勢 6.Employment situation
7.不安 7.Uneasy
8.裁判員 8.Lay judge
9.容易 9.Easy
10.拒否 10.Refusal
11.裁判員 11.Lay judge
12.問題 12.Problem
13.裁判員制度 13.Jury system
14.裁判 14.Trial
15.国民 15.People
16.浸透 16.Osmosis
17.国民 17.People
18.常識的判断 18.Commonsense judgment
19.殺人事件 19.Murder case
20.重大な事件 20.A serious incident
21.殺人事件 21.Murder case
22.法廷 22.Court
23.殺害現場 23.Murder spot
24.生理的 24.Physiological
25.正常な判断 25.Normal judgment
26.憲法第13条、18条 26.Article 13 of the constitution, 18 articles
27.現時点 27.This time
28.憲法違反 28.Unconstitutionality
29.第22条 29.22nd Article
30.職業選択の自由 30.Freedom to choose one's occupation
ラベル:Former lay judge country Legal challenge Voice record Stress obstacle Employment situation Uneasy Lay judge refusal problem Jury system TRIAL people Commonsense judgment Murder case A serious incident Court Murder spot physiological .Normal judgment Article 13 of the constitution, 18 articles This Time .Unconstitutionality 22nd Article Freedom to choose one's occupation
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