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 筧 栄一氏(かけい・えいいち=元検事総長)15日午前8時14分、多臓器不全のため東京都内の病院で死去、85歳。島根県出身。近親者で密葬を済ませた。本葬は6月29日に東京都港区南青山2の33の20の青山葬儀所で。喪主は長男義郎(よしろう)氏。
 1953年に検事任官。法務事務次官、東京高検検事長などを経て90年検事総長に就任。任期中に共和汚職事件の捜査などを指揮した。退官後の97年には、日本臓器移植ネットワーク理事長に就任した。 (2013/05/20-20:27)
posted by 管理人B at 03:33| 東京 ☁| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 訃報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


★(訃報 中坊公平氏)Obituary: Mr. Kohei Nakabo 83 years old = famous for processing of a former Japan Federation of Bar Associations chairman ? Toyota trading company, jusen, a Morinaga arsenic milk incident, etc.

A lawyer, Mr. Kohei Nakabo, who showed big activity in the loan collection of jusen (housing-loan company), the Toyota trading company incident, a Morinaga arsenic milk incident, etc. passed away. 
They are 83 years old. 
In jusen, at the top of collection of bad loans, although the Morinaga arsenic incident of the activity as the president and the Toyota trading company incident was activity as an association of victims (victim defense counsel's lead lawyer) as an administrator in bankruptcy, "doing thoroughly" has an impression of whether to have shown other lawyers the big difference. 
However, although the occupation of a "lawyer" can be said to be the "cleric" who is "justice" and the purpose of "protecting the weak", it is a true figure to be too premised on having aimed at "profit" like the ordinary company (in case of a corporation or an individual). 
Therefore, since a "lawyer" does something as a "volunteer", it must be conditions absolutely that the "substitute" which something replaces with money certainly sticks, and turns. 
It may be "advance to the political world" and it may be advertisement for waking up some companies. 
There is "no exception." 
Furthermore, if "impossible" business is performed, even if there is a little rough phase, a risk of being led to a result with fatal it also has a possibility of generating on a grand scale. 
I think whether it was unsuitable recovery of the jusen which became erasion of lawyer registration. 
The lifestyle of the present lawyer and the lawyer from the time of Showa to the entrance of Heisei, treatment, etc. are no longer the occupation which changed greatly by various judicial reforms etc. and had become an all-star representative of the fat income. 
It is just going to be worrisome about how a lawyer like Mr. Kohei Nakabo is reflected in the person who just became lawyer Kon. 
I pray for the bliss of the dead. 
Obituary: Mr. Kohei Nakabo   83 years old = famous for processing of a former Japan Federation of Bar Associations chairman ? Toyota trading company, jusen, a Morinaga arsenic milk incident, etc. 

posted by 管理人B at 13:38| 東京 ☀| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 訃報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする
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